Good for You Productions
Jeffrey Cobelli is a passionate production professional with experience writing, directing, shooting, editing, and producing projects both large and small. He holds a BA in Film and Television from Emerson College, and is the founder and president of Good 4 You Productions.
In May of 2009, Jeffrey started his own production company- Good 4 You Productions. Since its inception, Good 4 You has produced powerful, socially impactful documentaries: The Making of A Mogul, Genesis II, Maximized Living, ChiroMission andSomeday Melissa. Someday Melissa has been featured in the New York Times as well as on NBC’s The Today Show with Matt Lauer. Jeffrey’s work is marked by a dedication to his subjects, and a desire to help improve the lives of others through his work. Recent work has been with organizations such as, American Heart Association, Locks of Love, The Doe Fund, Safe Girls Strong Girls, Maxim, MTV, TNT, The National Eating Disorder Association and the National Puerto Rican Day Parade.
Jeffrey is currently working on films for The Doe Fund, a New York nonprofit organization helping formerly homeless men and women achieve independence and self-sufficiency and with Camp CADI, a non-profit organization that helps children of sexual abuse to transforms their lives and gets their childhood back.